zzz 当前行为 面板服务器内可以正常创建和编辑文件,无法上传和下载文件[报错:Network Error] 预期行为 可以正常上传和下载文件 重现步骤 <!–用序号一步步的说明如何出现这个问题–> 面板版本 Wings 版本 受影响的游戏和/或预设 <!–给出文件,问题不相关就不填–> Docker 镜像 <!–给拉取链接,问题不相关就不填–>
YKDZ 同样的问题 用的 sftp 客户端是 XFTP。可以删除和新建文件,但是不能下载和上传文件,没有速度。 root@forestmc:~# sudo wings --debug INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.085] writing log files to disk path=/var/log/pterodactyl/wings.log ____ __ Pterodactyl _____/___/_______ _______ ______ \_____\ \/\/ / / / __ / ___/ \___\ / / / / /_/ /___ / \___/\___/___/___/___/___ /______/ /_______/ 版权所有 ? 2018 - 2024 Dane Everitt 及贡献者 网站: https://pterodactyl.top 来源: https://github.com/pterodactyl-china/wings 许可: https://github.com/pterodactyl/wings/blob/develop/LICENSE 该软件根据 MIT 许可条款提供。 上述版权声明和许可声明包含在软件的所有副本或重要部分中。 DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.085] running in debug mode INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.085] loading configuration from file config_file=/etc/pterodactyl/config.yml INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.085] configured wings with system timezone timezone=Etc/UTC DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.085] ensuring root data directory exists path=/var/lib/pterodactyl DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.085] ensuring server data directory exists path=/home/daemon-data DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.085] ensuring archive data directory exists path=/var/lib/pterodactyl/archives DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.085] ensuring backup data directory exists path=/var/lib/pterodactyl/backups INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.085] checking for pterodactyl system user username=pterodactyl INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.086] configured system user successfully gid=998 uid=998 username=pterodactyl INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.086] fetching list of servers from API DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.086] making request to external HTTP endpoint endpoint=https://panel.muubench.cn/api/remote/servers?page=0&per_page=50 headers=map[Accept:[application/vnd.pterodactyl.v1+json] Authorization:[(redacted)] Content-Type:[application/json] User-Agent:[Pterodactyl Wings/v1.11.8.0 (id:XWlfaa9kz5TbzkBG)]] method=GET INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.256] processing servers returned by the API total_configs=1 DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.256] using 24 workerpools to instantiate server instances INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.256] creating new server object from API response server=a35dc092-681a-47e6-bb45-7b86d85d55a1 DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.256] registering event listeners: console, state, resources... server=a35dc092-681a-47e6-bb45-7b86d85d55a1 INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.256] finished processing server configurations duration=290.478?s INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.257] finished loading configuration for server server=a35dc092-681a-47e6-bb45-7b86d85d55a1 INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.257] configuring server environment and restoring to previous state server=a35dc092-681a-47e6-bb45-7b86d85d55a1 INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.258] detected server is running, re-attaching to process... server=a35dc092-681a-47e6-bb45-7b86d85d55a1 DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.259] saw server status change event server=a35dc092-681a-47e6-bb45-7b86d85d55a1 status=running DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.259] re-syncing server configuration for already running server server=a35dc092-681a-47e6-bb45-7b86d85d55a1 DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.259] making request to external HTTP endpoint endpoint=https://panel.muubench.cn/api/remote/servers/a35dc092-681a-47e6-bb45-7b86d85d55a1 headers=map[Accept:[application/vnd.pterodactyl.v1+json] Authorization:[(redacted)] Content-Type:[application/json] User-Agent:[Pterodactyl Wings/v1.11.8.0 (id:XWlfaa9kz5TbzkBG)]] method=GET INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.259] starting resource polling for container container_id=a35dc092-681a-47e6-bb45-7b86d85d55a1 environment=docker DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.319] syncing server settings with environment server=a35dc092-681a-47e6-bb45-7b86d85d55a1 DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.319] syncing stop configuration with configured docker environment server=a35dc092-681a-47e6-bb45-7b86d85d55a1 INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.319] performing server limit modification on-the-fly server=a35dc092-681a-47e6-bb45-7b86d85d55a1 INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.326] configuring system crons interval=1m0s subsystem=cron INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.326] 启动 cron 进程 subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.326] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.326] 配置内部 Web 服务器 host_address= host_port=9090 use_auto_tls=false use_ssl=true INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.326] 更新面板上的服务器状态:将安装/恢复服务器标记为正常 DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.326] making request to external HTTP endpoint endpoint=https://panel.muubench.cn/api/remote/servers/reset headers=map[Accept:[application/vnd.pterodactyl.v1+json] Authorization:[(redacted)] Content-Type:[application/json] User-Agent:[Pterodactyl Wings/v1.11.8.0 (id:XWlfaa9kz5TbzkBG)]] method=POST DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.326] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron INFO: [Jan 14 15:58:19.327] sftp server listening for connections listen= public_key=ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIByQllqfRF61gJxVCVX/n2r9kLg6PQLExyH5z0zWMsuh DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.766] opening connection to server websocket connection=a511a6e3-5f94-4d45-a879-1c691edf1c20 server=a35dc092-681a-47e6-bb45-7b86d85d55a1 subsystem=websocket DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:19.839] registering event listeners for connection connection=a511a6e3-5f94-4d45-a879-1c691edf1c20 server=a35dc092-681a-47e6-bb45-7b86d85d55a1 subsystem=websocket DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:20.866] validating credentials for SFTP connection ip= method=password subsystem=sftp username=ykdz.a35dc092 DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:20.866] making request to external HTTP endpoint endpoint=https://panel.muubench.cn/api/remote/sftp/auth headers=map[Accept:[application/vnd.pterodactyl.v1+json] Authorization:[(redacted)] Content-Type:[application/json] User-Agent:[Pterodactyl Wings/v1.11.8.0 (id:XWlfaa9kz5TbzkBG)]] method=POST DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:58:20.987] credentials validated and matched to server instance ip= method=password server=a35dc092-681a-47e6-bb45-7b86d85d55a1 subsystem=sftp username=ykdz.a35dc092 DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:59:19.326] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 15:59:19.326] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:00:19.327] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:00:19.327] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:01:19.327] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:01:19.327] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:02:19.327] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:02:19.327] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:03:19.327] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:03:19.327] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:04:19.326] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:04:19.326] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:05:19.326] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:05:19.327] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:06:19.327] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:06:19.327] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:07:19.327] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:07:19.327] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:08:19.326] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:08:19.326] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:09:19.326] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:09:19.326] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:10:19.326] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:10:19.327] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:11:19.327] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:11:19.327] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:12:19.327] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:12:19.327] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:13:19.327] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:13:19.327] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:14:19.327] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:14:19.327] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:15:19.326] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:15:19.327] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:16:19.327] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:16:19.327] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:16:19.327] making request to external HTTP endpoint endpoint=https://panel.muubench.cn/api/remote/activity headers=map[Accept:[application/vnd.pterodactyl.v1+json] Authorization:[(redacted)] Content-Type:[application/json] User-Agent:[Pterodactyl Wings/v1.11.8.0 (id:XWlfaa9kz5TbzkBG)]] method=POST DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:17:19.326] sending internal activity events to Panel cron=activity subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:17:19.326] sending sftp events to Panel cron=sftp subsystem=cron DEBUG: [Jan 14 16:17:19.327] making request to external HTTP endpoint endpoint=https://panel.muubench.cn/api/remote/activity headers=map[Accept:[application/vnd.pterodactyl.v1+json] Authorization:[(redacted)] Content-Type:[application/json] User-Agent:[Pterodactyl Wings/v1.11.8.0 (id:XWlfaa9kz5TbzkBG)]] method=POST