我现在是面板部署完成了,wings --debug
启动wings时候提示错误Pool overlaps with other one on this address space
DEBUG: [Apr 1 19:41:55.486] running in debug mode
INFO: [Apr 1 19:41:55.486] loading configuration from file config_file=/etc/pterodactyl/config.yml
INFO: [Apr 1 19:41:55.515] configured wings with system timezone timezone=Asia/Shanghai
DEBUG: [Apr 1 19:41:55.516] ensuring root data directory exists path=/var/lib/pterodactyl
DEBUG: [Apr 1 19:41:55.516] ensuring server data directory exists path=/var/lib/pterodactyl/volumes
DEBUG: [Apr 1 19:41:55.516] ensuring archive data directory exists path=/var/lib/pterodactyl/archives
DEBUG: [Apr 1 19:41:55.516] ensuring backup data directory exists path=/var/lib/pterodactyl/backups
INFO: [Apr 1 19:41:55.516] checking for pterodactyl system user username=pterodactyl
INFO: [Apr 1 19:41:55.516] configured system user successfully gid=989 uid=994 username=pterodactyl
INFO: [Apr 1 19:41:55.517] fetching list of servers from API
DEBUG: [Apr 1 19:41:55.517] making request to external HTTP endpoint endpoint=https://gameser.immmml.com/api/remote/servers?page=0&per_page=50 headers=map[Accept:[application/vnd.pterodactyl.v1+json] Authorization:[(redacted)] Content-Type:[application/json] User-Agent:[Pterodactyl Wings/v1.11.5.0 (id:u8n0Br5Q8YETSG4J)]] method=GET
INFO: [Apr 1 19:41:55.735] processing servers returned by the API total_configs=0
DEBUG: [Apr 1 19:41:55.735] using 4 workerpools to instantiate server instances
INFO: [Apr 1 19:41:55.735] finished processing server configurations duration=124.774µs
INFO: [Apr 1 19:41:55.736] creating missing pterodactyl0 interface, this could take a few seconds...
FATAL: [Apr 1 19:41:55.737] failed to configure docker environment error=Error response from daemon: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space
Error response from daemon: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space